What is Million Girls Moonshot?
Million Girls Moonshot is a STEM initiative that seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build and who can make. In Utah, we are doing this by reaching girls from a young age, using near-peer mentors, and involving families. In 2021, we launched our Million Girls Moonshot program in seven pilot sites. These sites were recipients of our MGM innovation stations, STEM curriculum, and a wide array of professional development. This Mott-funded initiative aims to engage one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities and we are pleased to announce that we are ready to expand to an additional ten sites.
Current Million Girls Moonshot Sites in Utah
- Entheos (Kearns)
- Entheos (Magna)
- Juab (Red Cliffs)
- Pacific Heritage
- Escalante
- Panguitch
- Iron County
If you would like to learn more about how your program can become a Million Girls Moonshot site please complete the Million Girls Moonshot Interest Form.
Monthly MGM Resources
Each month the Million Girls Moonshot resources will be updated with webinars, trainings, curriculums, and more that will help bolster any STEM program.
Techbridge Girls: Become a Certified Techbridge Girls STEM Curriculum Facilitator
October 16: Applications Open
October 30: Information Session. REGISTER HERE
Using a blend of theory and application, youth instructors become certified in delivering Techbridge Girls curricula. The training embeds concepts covered in the STEM Equity Professional Development track and how to deliver TBG curricula. The training experience includes:
- Lesson plans, slide decks, and youth-facing culturally-relevant, hands-on, story-based resources
- NGSS-aligned, broad STEM content
- Pre-kitted classroom materials ($3500 value per kit) for 15-20 youth
- Online resource hub and training modules for volunteers and facilitators
- STEM, equity, and social-emotional learning training for curriculum facilitators
- Access to STEM and Equity experts
- STEM Equity Professional Development & Network of Practitioners
- Access to learning management system that provides Resources for girls’ community (e.g. role models, caregivers)
Applications Open October 16, 2024
Information Session on October 30, 2024
For more information and/or to apply to participate in this incredible learning opportunity, visit the Techbridge Girls STEM Facilitator Certification landing page today! Reach out to with any questions.
Techbridge Girls: Role Models Matter
Exposure to role models involved in STEM fields has the power to increase girls' interest and likelihood to pursue a STEM career in the future. To support role models and increase their effectiveness, Techbridge Girls developed the Role Models Matter™ training program. This training has been developed with STEM champions in mind.
Complete the training at your own pace and on-demand. When participants complete the training, they will receive a Credly badge and access to 5 dynamic, hands-on workshops that can be facilitated with girls in classrooms and out-of-school time spaces.
Start today by clicking HERE.
Techbridge Girls: Join Our Spring 2025 STEM Equity Learning Community
Techbridge Girls is excited to announce that applications are being accepted to join the Spring 2025 STEM Equity Learning Community. All out-of-school time (OST) supervisors and administrators for organizations that serve BIPOC girls* and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply!
Techbridge Girls has re-engineered how STEM Education is taught for 25 years. Our curricula and training help educators challenge gender, racial, and class bias in STEM fields and culture to help girls see their unique STEM lineage, community, interests, and path to success.
The STEM Equity Learning Community is designed to equip OST program managers, administrators, and site directors so that more equitable learning spaces are available for Black, Indigenous, Latina and all girls and gender-expansive youth of color.
For more information and/or to apply to participate in this incredible learning opportunity, visit the STEM Equity Learning Community landing page, today!
ACRES: Monthly Math Tasters
Thursday October 17th 1:00-2:00pm EST / 10:00-11:00 am PST
ACRES is excited to be offering monthly Math Tasters! Our first Math Taster mini-series will be "Engaging Math Routines". Math routines are a great way to build on youth’s natural curiosity and provide ample opportunity for rich, authentic math discourse. The schedule for this series is as follows:
- Engaging Math Routines: Esti-Mysteries
- Thursday, October 17th 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern (10-11 am Pacific)
- Engaging Math Routines: Which One Is Unique?
- Thursday, November 21st 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern (10-11 am Pacific)
Please REGISTER for each session you are interested in attending.
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections
Wednesdays: 10/2, 10/16/2024 noon - 2:00 pm EST / 9:00 am - 11:00 am PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC421ID (Coach Emma C)
ACRES Coaching: Facilitating Engineering Practices
Tuesday, 10/8, 10/22 3:00-5:00 pm EST / Noon - 2:00pm PST
Engineering has become a staple of STEM programming for youth. How can we confidently bring engineering into our programming and support youth as they engage in problem solving? In this module, participants gain first-hand experience with engineering by solving a design problem. They examine the components of the engineering design process and discuss ways to model the process with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC423EP (Coach Emma C)
Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA: 2024 Resources in Action
October 17, 2024 3:30pm EST / 12:30 pm PST
The Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA program, part of NASA’s Universe of Learning, provides resources and experiences that enable youth, families, and lifelong learners to explore fundamental questions in astrophysics, experience how science is done, and discover the universe for themselves. Hear directly from this year's 2024 GSAWN Stipend recipients who are using these free resources and get ideas to implement in your own programs. REGISTER HERE
STEM Next aims to raise awareness of the following four research-based practices — Access to STEM, Engineering Mindsets, Role Model, Mentors and Families, and STEM Pathways and Transition — proven to remove barriers to access and quality STEM learning experiences for youth.
- Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework.
- Picture Books to Break Stereotypes in STEM (and Beyond!) - Picture books are a powerful way to begin addressing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) stereotypes with young children. Reading and discussing stories provides young readers and their grownups with the opportunity to explore a range of foundational STEM concepts through captivating narratives while also countering stereotypes about who can successfully pursue the sciences.
- Native American Scientists and Engineers--Native American Heritage Month in Science Class - Blog about Native American scientists and engineers in history and their contributions.
- Native American Representation in STEM: Indigenous Innovation - Native American Coding: You can teach coding with an ancient Native American twist. In groups, students use beads to represent letters of the alphabet. They construct a code with these beads, and then swap their designs and see if they can decode each other’s messages. Want more? Check out this blog about Native American scientists and engineers in history and their contributions.
- Explore STEM Career Profiles with Verizon. Introduce your students to careers in data science, engineering, and connectivity. Verizon's profiles offer insights into salaries, recommended courses, and career paths. Access the profiles here and share your feedback via our brief survey. Find Career Profiles Here!
STEM Learning Pathways & Career Awareness
STEM Next is committed to strengthening career awareness and exploration in out of school time so youth are prepared for whatever comes NEXT.
- Maryland Out of School Time College and Career Readiness Toolkit: This is a comprehensive guide to help middle and high school out-of-school-time programs get laser focused on building 21st century skills and supporting young people as they navigate through the complex world of planning for their advanced education and careers. We will be adding free and low cost professional development resources including videos, online courses and opportunities for live virtual training. Want to help MOST spread the word? Use the Social Media Sharing Resources to spread the word.
- Toolkits and Guidance to Support Your STEM Careers Activities - This detailed toolkit offers a myriad of resources and supports that can be integrated into the youth’s STEM experience to foster an interest in a STEM career.
- How to Build STEM Career Awareness at Your School - This article from PBS describes the issues, why this is so important, and how to address it and build solutions with
Girl Scouts STEM Playbook: The world of STEM is filled with endless opportunities to make a difference. From exploring computer coding and space exploration to building robots and solutions to problems such as climate change, girls are using STEM as a tool to change our world.
And you can help them make it all possible! Girl Scouts’ new STEM Playbook is designed for anyone looking to encourage a love of STEM in girls of all ages. Whether you’re involved with Girl Scouts or simply a supportive adult, the new STEM Playbook offers ideas, guidance, and access to resources and tools to grow girls' interest and skills in the field. Download the new STEM Playbook and discover new ideas to help girls build the future with STEM. Download Girl Scouts’ New STEM Playbook Here
Learn Fresh is a pioneering nonprofit that leverages students’ passion for sports to inspire STEM and social-emotional learning. Starting now, you’ll have access to their 10-part NBA Math Hoops module on the Mizzen Education platform!
Simulating the speed, strategy, and sheer fun of basketball, NBA Math Hoops features youth-centered STEAM curricula, a board game, and community program. With over 30 NBA / WNBA teams and educators across the country, the program reaches more than one million youth and has netted game-changing results in math.
- NBA Math Hoops Lesson 1: Demonstrating Sportsmanship - To start the NBA Math Hoops experience, all students are asked to sign a Sportsmanship Contract. Just like a pro-player singing, it affirms their commitment to their team and league. For grades 3-8.
- NBA Math Hoops Lesson 2: Field Goal Percentages - Understanding percentages is the first fundamental math skill in NBA Math Hoops. In this activity, students use basketball statistics to develop an understanding of the relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages. For grades 3-8
- NBA Math Hoops Lesson 3: The NBA Math Hoops Draft - Students apply their knowledge of percentages and decimals to the NBA Math Hoops player cards. Then, they form teams and draft their roster for the NBA Math Hoops season. For grades 3-8
If you are looking for more STEM resources be sure to check out our Resource Library, Young Utahpreneur Grant and the Pitch Challenge!