Summer Planning Tools

The Utah Afterschool Network has created a toolkit of resources to support planning for summer. Resources are broken down into downloadable PDFs for ease of use during a busy summer.

Plan Your Summer!

Summer Toolkit 

Find a Location for your Program

Communication with Families

Staff Recruitment and Retention

Planning for a Full-day Program

Academic Alignment

Outdoor Recreation Planning

Virtual Programming

Summer Activity Guide


Summer Meals:

  • The Utah State Board of Education (USBE) helps to provide meals in communities throughout the state through Child Nutrition Programs.
  • Your organization may qualify to provide free meals to youth through the Seamless Summer Option to ensure that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session:

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Promote Your Program:

  • The Utah Afterschool Network maintains an up-to-date searchable map of summer programs being offered throughout the state. Please take a moment to complete our Summer Program Offering survey to help us make sure that we have your information.

Summer Program Offering Survey